Prosharp Ellipse Profiles
New Paradigm in Skate Profiling Technology
Exciting news from Prosharp. They have just released new Ellipsis (Zero, 1, and 2) profile templates which are being touted as a new paradigm in profiling technology. We have added these new profiles to our custom profile offerings for purchase. Ellipse profiles are currently available in senior and junior sizes including goalie specific versions.
This post is dedicated to collecting all of the latest information on the new Ellipse profiles as it becomes available. Below we have compiled a few quotes below from Prosharp that helps explain the profiles in detail. In particular, the descriptions of each of the new profiles should be handy. Check back often as we’ll be adding a few videos as well a detailed reviews of these new profiles. In the meantime, we’ve also updated our main Custom Profile information page with all of the latest details. Check out this page if you’re interested in contrasting the available profiles.
Release Information
Let us introduce ELLIPSE ZERO, ELLIPSE I and ELLIPSE II – the biggest thing that's happened to blade profiling since the 80's. The most DYNAMIC skating ever experienced. Combine maximum POWER with hyperlight AGILITY! Provide the skater with completely SEAMLESS transitions. The new ELLIPSE profiles revolutionizes profiling by transferring the shape of an ellipse to the blade. This is a paradigm shift where we're going from radius profiling, which was introduced in the late 80's, to ellipse profiling.
Our ellipse profiles are designed to improve the skating of hockey players of all skill levels. The specific measurements are confidential and Proprietary As with all profiles, the feel on the ice is what each skater needs to experience. The feedback from the Ellipse profiles thus far has been incredible. Try one yourself When you get a chance.
No numbers completely SEAMLESS transitions. The new ELLIPSE profiles revolutionizes profiling by transferring the shape of an ellipse to the blade. This is a paradigm shift where we're going from radius profiling.
Our ellipse profiles are designed to improve the skating of hockey players of all skill levels. The specific measurements are confidential and Proprietary As with all profiles, the feel on the ice is what each skater needs to experience. The feedback from the Ellipse profiles thus far has been incredible. Try one yourself When you get a chance.
We (Prosharp) can't provide the two parameters for the different elliptical shapes as that would be to give away the recipe to the secret sauce. We can say this (below) about the different profiles without giving away the parameters :
Ellipse Zero – Elliptic value closest to zero (a circle) – also meaning it’s the shortest profile of them all. Currently making it the most agile in the series, while packing the dynamic punch that all Ellipse profiles do. We've taken inspiration from the Quad Zero on this one, making it best suited for skate sizes 7-8 (only a recommendation).
Ellipse I – The in-betweener. Best suited for skate sizes 9-10 (only a recommendation).
Ellipse II – Elliptic level furthest away from zero. Meaning it’s longer, making it more powerful, but still agile. Best suited for skate sizes 11-12 (only a recommendation).
In general, the Ellipse Zero will have less ice contact than the Ellipse II though will have more agility. As a recommendation if you skate on a Quad 0 then you should most likely start out by trying the Ellipse Zero. If you’re on a Quad 0 and would like more ice contact than try the Ellipse I. However, these are just recommended starting points.
The key feature is the seamlessness of the profiles. This gives the skater the feeling that they always have the optimal ice contact for each on-ice action. Prosharp will be releasing an Ellipse explanation video in the future.
All Ellipse templates are built in with a pitch (-20 mm), good to know when re-profiling an already pitched blade.
Radius vs Ellipse Profiles
This image depicts the theoretical differences between a radius based profile and the new ellipse based profiles. The shapes are not meant to be precise though serve as a visualization of the differences between the profiles.